Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sorry for the long absence...

Sorry for being away these last 10 days or so but I had some hardware problems. Due to a F&*(&@(@ing thunderstorm my motherboard,router and telephone line got burned so It took me some time until I got everything in order.

Internet and router have just been restored. The new mobo should arrive tomorrow so it won't be long till i get back to work.

I'll be back soon with more new sexy art :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Something different - Cloud King

Got quite bored of rendering only for the comic so I desided to make something artistic. This is the Cloud King. It's a new character I just made, using some new techniques I discovered.  A cel shaded version of him might be added in a future comic. Hope you like him :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Skye in the shower!

Small preview scene of the upcoming second chapter. Been working on it full time the last couple of days, done a lot of progress but there's still a long way to go before it gets released.

I'm quite active on my deviantart profile if you want to see more of me, it's http://kavuki.deviantart.com  . Head over there and follow me to see my art updates or chat with me.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chapter 2 Begins!

The first draft of Gold Tooth and a Trap was made out of 200 renders. The final product took something over 400 in order to raise the quality. Chapter two will be more image heavy than the first and it will follow a normal comic format with chat bubbles and stuff. I'm doing something like 50-60 renders just to choose 5-6 images per page.

While browsing deviant art I got some great inspiration for hand-made backgrounds speed-painted in photoshop. I havn't tried this technique yet so there is some testing and training to be made. What I can guarantee is that it can explode the  comic quality to a totaly diffirent level. If I manage to learn the basics fast, you might see some hand-drawn backgrounds and art in the second chapter.

As you see from the demo render the second chapter will feel much more alive and a lot closer to a normal western comic. More updates tomorrow or after tomorrow, too busy creating art! :)

xxx <3

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Progress Report!

Hey folks! I'm back with some interesting (or not) news! Been away for holidays and didn't have much time for rendering but hey I'm back. Ski is nice, Kitesurf is better but after all I need to express my artistic anxiety!

New changes come to Skye character. The pony tail hair is discarded. It took ages to render so I changed it to something simpler but more feminine. I really like the way she looks now... more feminine, proper trap. :)

Story till now also discarded. As you know my story telling skills suck but I think I got something  interesting written while I was on holidays and it's much closer to my technical capabilities. Story isn't finalized yet but it's pretty solid till now and I'm quite happy with it. What I can share for now is that Skye will be mixed up in an ongoing war of different time-lines and dimensions...

The story for the next chapter is complete and I might start releasing some content this week if I manage to get the quality I want. We're still on schedule, the second chapter WILL be released in February.

I would also like to thank the anonymous donator of the 0.004 bitcoins or 40$.... Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it! <3

Enjoy the new Skye bellow. New hair, slimmer eyebrows, outfits and much bigger naughty bits! Hope you enjoy, please share with me what you think of the new look in the comment section! Cheers!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lack of updates...

I deeply apologize for the lack of updates during the last week. Busy with work, love life issue plus and an unexpected illness pushed back my comic production plans for a week. But worry not, I'm feeling better and everything is in order (I think so) so I'm back on track.

Been finalizing the characters and the story for the next comic book. Can't say much now, but the story will continue exactly where Gold Tooth and a Trap ended. We'll meet some of Skye's friends and a new adventure will begin. My writing sucks so if there are any story tellers around I would like to work with you. Contact me at kavuki3d-at-gmail.com

Various locations will be used in this adventure, and I'll be using a entirely different method to create the comic book. Characters and backgrounds will be rendered separately on most occasions. This will save my a great deal of render time and will allow me to play more with character poses as I won't be limited by camera angles. There will be a lot more post editing in photoshop this time. There is still a lot of testing to be done with lighting as my results are not where I want them yet. To get the quality I'd like we're talking 20minute render per image, not something I can afford if its to release the comic sometime this month.

Also thinking of adding chat bubbles this time. Will have to do some testing in photoshop, if it doesn't feel cheap you can expect to see some dialogue.

After the break you can check some renders of Yoshi and the environment sets I completed today. It's a school yard and a Japanese inspired school rooftop. The second chapter will begin there...

Thoughts and comments are always welcome <3

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Skye pictures in preperation for the new comic!

As you can see from previous posts I've been practicing as much as I could in order to have the best possible quality in my next comic. It's not that I don't like how Gold Tooth and a Trap turned out, it's that I know i can do so much better.

And that brings us to a new problem - Time. Gold Tooth and a Trap was created in something less than 10 days. Could be made in 5 days or a week if I didn't work full time during that period.  The next instalment of the story might take significantly longer to be created.

The reasons are that there's going to be many more places that the story will be unfolding. You've seen the room already. I'll show you and an extra house I'm about to edit in the following days after the break. There's also going to be a school, a subway station and many more!

And with that comes another problem... am i over my head? Probably... I'll soon have to take a decision. Either break my main story to smaller parts and mini-stories (lets say 10 pages each, 2-3 story, 5-6 sex and 1 epilogue) and release whenever one of them is ready, or stick to my original plan and create a 30 page comic book with my full story and release once it's all done, whenever it's done.

It's a big dilemma, I still have a couple days to think of it, I'd appreciate any feedback on the subject.

And now back to the art. Today I'll be showing you some new stuff. The cum, the ass and a dildo. Been testing poses and camera angles in Skye's apartment today, and made some naughty shots. Enjoy!

Mini story after the break (very mini)